Butch's home page

I was born in August, 1999 in Duncannon, Pennsylvania.  My mother was a Yellow Lab, my Dad was a Black Lab.  I had 12 other brothers and sisters.  One was Brown, the rest Yellow (like me) and Black..

This nice couple (Bill and Dorothy) were looking for a pup for their son, Jason, who was already a grownup at 22 years old.  His Black Lab, Max, had died at 6 years old.  While they were picking out one of my brothers to be Jason's new friend, I broke from the group and laid against Bill's leg.  When he moved, I moved with him.  I wanted a new home too!  I hoped he didn't mind that I was covered with wet mud.

Butch (left) and Junior (right)
They took both my brother Junior and me.  After a long drive we dropped Bill off at work.  It took him and Dorothy a while to get all of the mud off of his shoes, pants and jacket.

Clark, Butch, Junior, and standing is Dorothy.
What a surprise!  They had more pets at their home. This is Clark.  She is the same age as us, and is a lot of fun.  She knocks stuff off of the counter when we can't reach it so we can chew it up.

Clark and I play all the time. She is real careful not to hurt me...

Sometimes she gets the advantage on me...

Junior and I shared a room in the kitchen.  We just love each other.

That's not a shadow, that's my brother Junior!

What's this New Year's Eve thing about?  Have we been bad?  Is this a party?  I just hope its over soon!

Now that I'm bigger, I like to get right up close so I don't miss anything.